Okay fans! Wow...on the 16th it was a year since Nina joined our family. We had a lovely "family day." We enjoyed a nice Chinese meal and Bart made a cake. We watched videos of our trip and went to bed much to late for a school night.
This last year has been so amazing -----and so BIG! Does that make sense? Nina is now 22 months old. She is as much a member of the family as Bart of myself. She loves having big sisters to love and adore her as well as meet her every need. She has a very strong personality, but is just as loving as can be. She has taught me so many things in the last year. As a mother of three other girls, I thought I was pretty prepared. I have the loving and nurturing part down no problem....it is the patience peace that at times I am challenged. She still has that strong voice. Doesn't strong sound so much better then loud? She has learned to not use it as often and that is nice. She has frequent ear infections and that seems to increase her volume. She loves to read, play with babies, sleep with her parents, have breakfast with Chloe, be sung "rock a bye baby" by Emelia and play "orphanage" with Ella.
I wonder if anyone will see this post. Let me know if you do. I will upload more pics. Love hannah
Hello to the awesome Beattie Family! Love the update and thrilled to hear everyone is doing wonderfully. I think about you often and miss you always.
~Kim Stafford
Thank you for sharing your family, Hannah. Each and every one are truly beautiful. Our love to you and Bart. A hug to Emelia, Chloe, Ella, and Nina.
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bryant
It has been wonderful to watch your family grow this past year. Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with all of us. Love ~Nicole
I check in once in a while to see if you have updated your page. Great to see the pics and hear you are doing great. Missed you at the Dragon Boat Festival. Can you beleive our girls will be two? It is amazing. Hope to see you all soon. Love your travel freinds Pam, Frank and Meili
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