It is Sunday evening here in China. Hannah, Nina and I and another family we are traveling with just got back from looking at millions (if not billions) of beads in the an underground maze of bead shops in central Guangzhou. Hannah was in her glory and will return home with lots of new jewelry projects. We then walked back to the hotel via Qing Ping market, the first open market (economically speaking) in China - one of Deng Xiao Ping's market experiments. It used to be known for all it's exotic products and animals. Now, the most of what we see are live turtles and scorpians (for soup) and dried sea horses, star fish and other "herbs and spices."

Yesterday, we laid low here on the island and enjoyed one the American comforts here - Starbucks. It like walking into any other Starbucks in the U.S., but a little nicer! It's a nice way to spoil ourselves now and then.

This morning (after being reunited with my french toast!) we went to the Six Banyan Tree Temple here in Guangzhou. It is the oldest buddhist temple in the city. There all the babies in our travel group received a blessing from one of the monks. I also climbed to the top of the 17 storey pagoda - it was a bit freaky up at the top, but gave unqique view of the sprawling city.

Also today, we made one last attempt to get an earlier flight out of here to try to get back to our girls a day or two early, but, alas, all the flights are full. This is apparently a busy time to be here. We're still on target for a late arrival in Portland on Saturday! We miss all of you back home and will fill you in on more randomness tomorrow!
okay, one more week? I'm dyin' here! I need my Hannah fix!!!
It is
Sunday Morning here.Thanks for the new photos and narrative. We got a skimming of snow last night but it ought to be 55 tomorrow and take all of the snow away at least shortly. Apparently the soup's effects have worn off.I finally got the trim Bart told me about to finiish off my kitchen around the doors and edges which are exposed. May work on that, write and look up the Dred Scott Case for my course on the Civil War tomorrow night. What kind of beads? LOve, DAD/Grandi
Hi Bart, Hannah and Nina: SO glad it was a short "yuck" and that you got out and about! Hannah...of COURSE bring the beads to share at our next Frayed Edges!
I KNOW you'll be so glad to be home with ALL your girls, especially once the never-ending flight is over!
Maine is chillier than China is right now, but spring is definitely arriving despite a dusting of snow this morning that lasted all of an hour before it melted,
HUGS and welcome home soon, Sarah
I had to check in with you guys before bed, but after catching up and reading about your fish skin soup incident, I hope I don't have nightmares! We are all so anxious to meet Nina in person, and the boys (and Julia, I'm sure) are itching to see the girls again. Telling them about your adventures and showing them your pics has put you WAY on the radar. Rod is not caught up with the blog yet, but I can already feel him cringing at the thoughts of shops full of beads! Maybe next time he's "out of line", I'll threaten bead shopping! :) I'm so glad you are keeping us updated about your experiences. I'm not THAT old, but it still amazes me that you three are in China going through this wonderful experience, and we can share it with you almost instantaneously! Cool! I can't wait to see pics of all 4 girls togther. Jenn
PS--It's not a cultural thing...people here will look at you with their eyes getting big as you tell them you have 4 kids!!! J
Love reading your daily blog..glad you're feeling better. Think I'd stay away from the turtles, scorpions and dried sea horses if I were you!! Looks like Nina is 'settling in' with you. You all look pretty comfy! Know you're anxious to get home to your other three. Much love, Auntie L
I miss, miss, miss you!!! And I'm dying to meet that baby in person. Everywhere I go, people are asking me about you, Hannah. You are missed at the gym. Barb and Ross have both said they want to meet Nina soon.
The girls have looked happy every time I've seen them, and we have had a great time with Ella when we are fortunate enough to have time with her. We will pick her up to play again Wednesday afternoon!!
Hurry home safely.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and sharing in your China adventure. You have had such a fantastic experience in so many ways! I will be excited to be in Maine when you arrive home and get to hear the great stories first hand and meet little Nina in person (before she's all grown up!).
Fly safely and hurry home. You have MANY people anxiously awaiting your arrival!
(remember...LJ is really Laura)
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