Sunday, March 18, 2007


As I've been walking around in Beijing and Guangzhou, I've come across some Chinese signs with their English translations. I find great amusement in some of them. Here is a small sample from my collection. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hello! The pictures are wonderful! I can't wait to meet my newest neice! Let me tell you, Nina and Miss Julia will get along just fine if all the fussing keeps up! The boys are having quite a time trying to figure out this whole adoption thing, so the pictures help. Things sound great. I love hearing about how you have to get used to Nina's expectations. I can just imagine her thinking: what do they think, leaving me lying down?! For a nap! I don't think so!

I'll keep reading. You keep writing. Hope the process continues to go smoothly and your trip (and the flight home) is enjoyable!

Jenn (Go Heels!---couldn't resist!)

Anonymous said...

Nina is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your blog.
If you go to the orphanage, ask if Nina played with Bai Xiao Li (b. 03/06, we brought her to NH end of December. If they were playmates (and even if they weren't :), let's have the girls meet sometime for a playdate!

Unknown said...

Oh my...the reality just sits in when seeing you both with her! hannah, you look absolutely beautiful! I miss and love you very much!