This morning we went out to drop off our laundry at one of the small shops and take a walk in the park. We were lucky enough to run into a huge group of uniformed school children (literally hundreds) who were demonstrating some sort of dance/martial arts routine. We also saw a group of preschool or kindergarten aged children who practiced their "hellos" on us. They are always a bit shocked when we can speak a little Chinese to them. One of their teachers asked about Nina who was sleeping strapped to my chest. As always, we showed her a picture of her 3 sisters back home to which exclaimed to the other teacher "zhen piaoliang!" - they are so beautiful. Yes they are. And we miss them terribly!

Andrew and I actually want to say hello to Emelia, Chloe and Ella, so we hope you read this commnet on the blog. We want to tell you how excited we were to see your pictures today! We think and talk about all of you every day and I even go and look at your pictures in your daddy's office. Nina is one lucky little baby to be coming home very soon to the three of you!
And everyone at work spends a whole lot of time keeping up with your parents adventures with Nina...and we can hardly wait for them to get back too:-) Hope everyone is well...
Love, Mary and Andrew (and Bella too!)
Oh, how amazing your journey has been. We so much wish we were there with you as Hannah was with Marie when we brought Emma home. Seeing the pictures and reading what you have written brings back many memories. You have four beautiful daughters. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We miss you very much. Emma had a brief chance to see Ella yesterday but Marie hasn't. Emma misses her especially but also the rest of the family and can't wait to see Nina in person. (She has been loving the blog pictures but keeps saying she wants to be in China with youu all [and Ella :)]).
Much love,
Marie and Emma
PS In an earlier email Hannah referred to Bart keeping Hannah on a budget. Hannah: remind him that the stuff you buy gets prorated till the next trip to China in ??? years so buy while you can:)
So happy you were able to go to Nina's orphanage!
All the other pictures are wonderful. Hopefully, your last week will go quickly so that your whole family can be together.
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