This is my first entry since being in China. Bart is feeding Nina right now and after reading the email and blog comments I don't think we could wait any longer. First I want to share a picture or two of the three amazing little people that are waiting for us at home. We love and miss them so much. Lots of people keep asking us if Nina is our only child and when we respond with a no and tell them of our girls at home their eyes get big. I quickly pull out their picture that I carry with me everywhere and everyone is amazed by them. I never imagined myself the mother of four children...would never question it. Having all my girls is a blessing to me. I marvel at each of them and their unique qualities and gifts. They are each so different and special in their own way. I see each of them in their new sister.
We passed school children today and took a lot of pictures. A few boys got in trouble for showing off in front of us. It was fun to communicate with them with facial expressions and body language. My favorite was the preschool class marching around the court yard. The two teachers were admiring Nina and asked how old she was and if she was our only. I of course pulled out my pictures and their eyes got big, as did their smiles. I think they approved.
We were away yesterday visiting the orphanage. It was a good trip - long and emotional draining. I like to beleive that it is a good orphanage. It is hard for me due to my desire for all children to have the love and tenderness of a parent. THey have many special needs children there that will never be adopted. Bart reminded me over and over that we cannot help everyone. I can't help but have lots of ideas and dreams as to how to give back to the little ones left behind. We got some pictures of the inside the baby room, but were asked not to put them on the internet. If you have a daughter at Dianbai please email me and I will look to see if I have pictures of her. We enjoyed lunch with the director and his assistant. Have any of you tried fish skin soup lately? Bart ate it. I tried very hard to be respectful. Happy to report that we have not had any reactions to the new foods we tried. The ocean was amazing and Bart collected some shells to bring home. We took pictures of the spot that Nina was found and learned more about her beginning. They reported that she hated to go to sleep so much that they would put her on their backs and have to leave the room so that she would not wake the other babies. I am glad that she was able to ask for what she needed. Time to go. Off to a fabric market today. Anyone that knows me will understand why Bart asked me to stay on a budget. And I thought I hit the jack pot when we found street after street of beads. Love to you all, Hannah
1 comment:
Beads and fabric and babies, oh my!! It sounds like your heart if full, my dear Hannah! I'm so happy that you can get out and about and see so many incredible sites. That you could go to where Nina was found is just incredible. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to be away from CE&E, but this time that you and Bart have with Nina is just incredible.
I love you oh so much!
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